Go Ahead and Laugh...

by: Theresa Twogood

Go ahead and laugh that we cling to our religious faith and proudly display religious items throughout our home. Go ahead and laugh when you say that we don't seem to live in the 'real' world because things aren't done that way anymore. Go ahead and laugh as you say, yes it's good to be religious but my family seems fanatical and a little weird. Go ahead and laugh as you say just how uncomfortable you are around us because you fear that you might slip up and cuss. Go ahead and laugh at how strange it is that my wife and I would rather spend time together,instead of with others. Go ahead and laugh as you declare just how 'lucky' we must have been to make it through the tough times and to avoid divorce. Go ahead and laugh as you say how easy it is to loath my children because they always seem to do just the 'right thing'. Go ahead and laugh that my children appear to be happy and they have happy friends-no gloom and doom or dark clouds overhead. Go ahead and laugh when our children dress up not as demons but rather as Biblical characters for halloween. Go ahead and laugh at the fact that we have a sacred area of our home that we call our prayer closet. Go ahead and laugh as you come up with excuses for not having family devotions and prayers together every night. Go ahead and laugh and say just how silly we look while dinning out, because we pause to say grace aloud and together. Go ahead and laugh because we strive to have a sit-down, around the table, family meal at least four nights a week. Go ahead and laugh because we believe that 'our way' provides the very comfort and security that children need and want. Go ahead and laugh because we claim to have discovered the true secret to happiness,and it's called being a Christian. Go ahead and laugh because being a Christian isn't about what we do or don't do but rather about what Jesus has done for us. Go ahead and laugh we will still pray that you will want to join in with us someday soon. Go ahead and laugh for we will worship the Lord our God; because in Him we have all and are in need of nothing. Go ahead and laugh and say that you think that 'all this' is okay for my family, but it wouldn't work for your family. Go ahead and laugh it's okay because we believe that someday soon you will wish for your family to be as ours. Go ahead and laugh my friend, for laughter is all you may have.

About The Author
Theresa Twogood is Executive Director of OLIN e-Publishing Company- http://olin.tk -Denver Colorado-USA. Visit OLIN'S e-bookstore at http://olinepublishing.com/ebookstore_index.html .
